Monday, November 18, 2013

Court date tomorrow!

Our court hearing for guardianship is tomorrow morning.  We've been waiting so very long for this moment, I am kind of stunned that it is finally here!

Another prospective adoptive parent and friend is here for a few days.  Her presence has been such a blessing!  We did errands all day today.  I am exhausted.  The kids are still off-kilter from the move, and Hibiscus can't stop talking.  Ever.

Grilled cheese and yogurt for dinner.  It still took an hour or so to prepare with all the other interruptions, and by "prepare" I mean the kids were able to eat, but I was still standing in the kitchen.  Thank God for another adult in the house!  She is now dipping three little monkeys in the bath with a great deal more patience than I could manage.

I need to assemble paperwork, and outfits, and snacks and toys, and somehow make myself look clean and presentable too.  And put captions in our photo book.  First thing in the morning we will pile in our car and go to pick up several other people who know our family and can testify on our behalf, while Miss B from the orphanage gathers all the various birth family members who will testify that they haven't and couldn't take care of the girls.  This being Uganda, I have a great deal of doubt about everyone being in the right place at the right time!

Our official time is 10 am, but because of various other things the judge might decide to hear our case early.  I have very little idea about what will actually happen!  Here I go with my preparations!


  1. I'll be thinking of you all day tomorrow, Christy! Sending you my best wishes for luck and for a smooth, straightforward day in court. Big hug!
